In Argentina, there is a significant issue with animal overpopulation. Paws Print helps animal shelters in Argentina support and relieve this population through education and community connection.
For our capstone project, we reached out to Vinoly, a tech consulting company based in Argentina. We worked together on their passion project to conduct research to educate their animal shelters.
How might we encourage underfunded animal shelters in Argentina to adopt effective
U.S. animal shelter practices so that they may transition into civil associations?
After the University of Washington’s Spring 2023 quarter, Vinoly will have complete ownership of the projects below and Gradient will have no ownership or involvement in all of these projects. To contact the project owner, email them at:
Our solutions to providing relief
to animal shelters in Argentina
Our team has conducted extensive research and collaborated with leading U.S. animal shelters to identify best practices for shelter structure and organization. The resource guide aims to empower underfunded shelters in Argentina.
View GuidelineVinoly proposed an application focused on corporate social responsibility that connects resources and funds with animal shelters in Argentina. We designed a landing page for this application to best inform users of their mission.
View PageShelters are having trouble finding volunteers. Many people want to help but don’t know how. We design a website to help bridge the gap between shelters and volunteers.
View PlatformWe're Team Gradient!
Kenny Pham
Project Manager
Aman Brar
Data Analyst/Developer
Catherine Lien
UX Designer
Cheryl Feng
Data Analyst
Cameron Rezek
Product Designer